Monday, October 15, 2012

On Saturday, 10/13/12 players from the "65th" and players from the "CSSL" & "RPBSSL", as well as players from the Pompano Beach South Florida Senior Softball Group took it upon themselves to hold an impromptu Charity Senior Softball Exhibition Game to benefit the
"Breast Cancer Awareness Program"..............

The fact that all of these players would take it upon themselves to raise funds for such a worthy cause is remarkable and it demonstrates that there is a lot more in so many of our fellow players than just the fact that they want to win a softball game. This exhibition game was played with some outstanding home run hitting and great defensive plays made by both teams.... I was very impressed when I saw each team cheer each other when a great defensive play was made and the atmosphere was that of very friendly and respectful sportsmanship... At the conclusion of a 37-32 score, these players shook hands, while others gathered their equipment and headed towards the parking lot of the Seminole Palms Park Ballfield.
AS they were walking away I sat in my car and just thought to myself and recalled a short passage from the book of Proverbs which reads: "In all ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths"....... On this sunny October, Saturday morning and afternoon the Lord did in fact "direct the paths" of all of these players to acknowledge that they too can make a difference in the lives of others and in this case the lives of some breast cancer patients.... I speak for MYSELF and others whose wives are currently under going treatment for Breast Cancer and I THANK all of these players for their time, their talent, their willingness to help others that they will never meet........ I often say to many of these players as I talk with them at the various ballparks in South Florida that "Today is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it"...... I was very glad that I was able to at least Umpire this Charity Exhibition game and we Thank yet another very generous man in Max Broitman for suggesting this idea and then to follow through and make it happen....
Chaplain Cesar

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