Saturday, December 12, 2015


The South Florida Senior Softball Club is a well-established softball club that has been serving SENIORS in our community for more than 40 years. Our pick-up games are played at the Four Fields Complex in Pompano Beach, Florida on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, 52-weeks a year. We serve residents and snowbirds in Broward, Dade and Palm Beach counties.
The goal of our club is to provide a safe and productive environment that enables over-50 men a setting where they can be with their peers and compete in the sport of Softball. We apply the principles of teamwork, discipline, dedication, and sportsmanship in friendly but heated competition.
We are sustained by the efforts of volunteers who display an extraordinary amount of commitment and hard work, ensuring that our club is a positive influence in the lives of our members. We also strive to provide a service to our community by providing a healthy outlet for men over-50 to maintain a healthy fitness level as they go through their later years in life.
Annual Membership is $35. 

Please write or call with any question or inquiry:
  • South Florida Senior Softball Club
  • or call GEORGE DEEB
  • Cell: (201) 315-0231

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Every once in a while I get a distinct feeling of pride that makes my chest puff out in front of my ample stomach. Today was one of those days. I am associated with and on the Boards of Directors of three Senior Softball Associations, all of which serve the Seniors in areas of Florida. But today, as on many other occasions The South Florida Senior Softball Association came through once again. On 9/11, the date of the horrific slaughter at the World Trade Center which has been come to be known as Patriots' Day, the SFSSA made a donation of $800 to Missions United, a division of the United Way to help Veterans obtain dental care for those who cannot afford it. There are dentists here who do work on the vets pro bono, but the tests and other incidentals do have to come out of the vets pockets. This donation made it possible for several vets to get much needed work done.
The Vet's Center near Miami was robbed a few days ago. All the food stuff there to feed vets who have nowhere else to go was taken. I received an email from one of SFSSA members, Manny Queipo telling me of the robbery. An email was sent out to our members Thursday night. On Friday morning, Manny left our field at Pompano Beach with a truckload of canned goods donated by our members to help feed the vets. Those who hadn't read the email kicked in an additional $150 that Manny used to buy more food for the VFW chapter. That was yesterday!
Today, our fourth annual holiday tournament took place. Let me explain how Senior Tournaments here in Florida usually work. When a team enters a tournament there is usually an entry fee between $150-$200 dollars. A team either has a sponsor or the players kick in to cover the fee. The SFSSA Holiday tournament is different. Each participant is responsible for bringing a new, unwrapped toy or toys to the field that will be donated to a charity for children who otherwise may not receive a gift. This year's recipient was Women In Distress, an organization that helps women and their children who have been in abusive relationships. The shelter these families while trying to extricate them from the horrors they've experienced. These women and children have no place else to go and often have no means to support themselves. Naturally, Christmas Day can be bleak for them without a little help. The volunteers from this agency left with an SUV filled to capacity with toys donated by our members. All four teams in the tournament this year came from within our club. There was a draft and four managers were named. The sponsors of the tournament, Tony Belmont, Rob Farina, Dale Franklin, Johnny Rogers and Tom Valenti furnished shirts for all four teams. Tom's team came out on top but the real winners will be the children on Christmas morning. Women in Distress will have the mothers select the toys for their children so no child will receive a gift that they may not have wanted. Any readers who would like to donate to this group, the vets, or simply to SFSSA and designate their donation for charity only, we'll make sure it is used properly and 100% of your donation will go to a good cause.
I'd be remiss if I did not mention the dynamic untitled leader of this group who I have dubbed "The Grand Poobah of Pompano", George Deeb. He is the driving force behind the organization and it would never be the same without him. His tireless efforts make the club what it is. There are many organizations who have good ideas, but George turns those ideas into realities.

Yes, I'm proud today. Proud of my fellow club members, the people who comprise the South Florida Senior Softball Association whose hearts are as big as their batting averages! I'm proud of those volunteers who are available to come to the field and accept the largess that we are, thank G-d able to provide for them. Most of us are retired. The age range is from the 50s into the mid 70s. We come from all walks of life. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and one Lebanese guy (George) who pulls it all together. How lucky am I to be associated with such a great bunch of guys?! G-d bless each and every one of them, and G-d bless you as well. Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, A Joyous Kwanzaa to you all!
Jeff Schrier

Monday, September 28, 2015

The South Florida Senior Softball Association is based in the Four Fields Complex in Pompano Beach.  Throughout the year it provides recreational softball to players 50 years of age or older. The club meets on Mondays and Fridays year round and adds Wednesdays during the winter season when our snow bird members arrive.  The club membership usually encompasses approximately 100 members.  While recreational softball is the attraction that brings the players together, the club is not one dimensional.  We involve ourselves in many activities to benefit the Pompano area, it's residents and those in need.  We host tournaments where the proceeds are given to worthy causes.  On Saturday, December 5th the club will break down into four teams and play games for the needy youngsters in the area.  The entry fee for each player will be one unwrapped toy that will be forwarded to children who otherwise might get nothing for the holidays.  Forty-eight players have signed up for the event so there should be a lot of smiles on Christmas morning.  We invite all to come down to watch and bring a toy as well.  All donations will be accepted and forwarded.

On Friday, September 11th, to commemorate Patriot's Day,  the club presented an $800 check to Mission United, a division of the United Way of Broward County. Michael Ellis of Mission United accepted the check and announced that the money would be used to provide dental care for Veterans.  There are 32 dentists in Broward County that provide pro bono dental work for veterans in need, but there are lab tests and other incidentals that have to be paid for out of pocket.  This donation will help defray those costs.  Mr. Ellis is a veteran of the U.S. Navy.

From left to right:  Jim Campigotto, Manny Queipo, Barbara Patan of the Pompano Parks Depatment, George Deeb (executive director of the SFSSA) Michael Ellis, Jeff Schrier (Bd. of Directors corresponding secretary)  Arne Elkin (treasurer), John Fatolo,Roger Barone, Joe Marino, Mark Caulfield, Ron Peterson and Fred Panton.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Top Row:  Lenny the Lip Bizzaro, Jimmy Ponytail Rippoli, Sal the Slasher LoFresco,John Johnny Fats Fatolo, Roger Berserk Barone, Rob Pastina Farina, Bobby the Mannaquin Dimatteo, Tough Tony Belmont. The bottom row:  Jimmy Capone Campigotto, Anthony Rooty Pizzuti, Crazy Joe Racanelli, Johnny Boy Savino and Pat the Bat Zampella. Missing from the picture are Nunzio Three Fingers Manicotti and Sammy the Snake Neapolitano who were unfortunate delayed in the trunk of a car in the parking lot and have not been seen since!  Alla youse boys was fine representatives of the SFSSL!  However, when youse are asked to get a hit, we mean the ball, not poor Nunzio and Sammy